"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20, NRSV)
Birdsboro Senior Group at St. Mark’s
Our next get together is February 6. We will have Bingo & Richie Bowden on Mission Trip Birdsboro & Beyond. All are welcome. The group will gather on the first and third Thursday of each month. Doors will open at 9 AM. Anyone 55 and over in the Birdsboro area is welcome. Bingo will be the first Thursday of each month and a craft on the third Thursday of the month. Both will start at 9:30. A home cooked meal will be served at Noon followed by another activity to be announced.
Transportation is available. Please call the office to make arrangements.
Native American Ministry
At this time we are collecting School Supplies (book bags, pens, pencils, paper, binders, etc.). In addition to school supplies the children need new underwear and socks (all sizes, both genders).
They are also in need of non-perishable foods (canned fruits, veggies, tuna, spam, chicken, etc.). Lastly, baby diapers and wipes.
If you are interested in making any donations, there will be a Native American box in the Narthex. Thanks for all your support.
Birdsboro Food Pantry
Tuesday, February 4th, is the next Community Meal here at St. Mark’s at 5 PM. Everyone is welcome. The Food Bank Distribution is always on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 4 PM.
This ministry is a part of Hopewell Love Inc. To find out more about Hopewell Love visit here.
Laundry Love
Hopewell Love Laundry Love ministry has asked if St. Mark’s would help with the on-going need of laundry detergent. Donations of new detergent bottles can be dropped off in the narthex.
Housewarming Baskets
The Outreach Committee will be putting together items for families leaving Safe Berks to take with them once safe housing is found. Items will include: dishpan, dish towels and cloths, drying pad, hot pads, table settings for 4, silverware, dish soap. Place settings have been donated from the VFW and Fabric ministry will provide dish cloths. Please consider donating any of the other items to these families in need. BB&B is providing meals to Safe Berks through October.