Plan A Visit

Meeting people for the first time can be a stressful experience. Here you will find information about what you can expect at St. Mark's. If you still have questions please feel free to contact us and a member of our Welcoming Committee would be happy to reach out to you. We want you to know that all are welcome here at St. Mark's. When you are ready please fill out the Plan A Visit form, at the bottom of this page, so we know you are coming.

Our Weekly Schedule

Sunday Service starts at 9 AM

Sunday School follows at 10:30am

Wednesday Bible Study - Begins at 11am in Myers Hall

What to expect during your visit?

There is plenty of parking at our campus at the top of the hill behind The Shops at St Mark's. Sunday service begins at 9am. This service is usually about 70 minutes long. Children of all ages are welcome in service. Please arrive with enough time to find a seat and get settled. An usher will greet you at the door and hand you a pamphlet about that day's service. Feel free to use this to take notes, or draw, or do origami. What ever you like, we do not need them back, though we do offer recycling at the end of service in the lobby. Inside the pamphlet you will find the entire service laid out so you do not need to worry about getting lost. All the text for the hymns are printed for you as well. No need to fumble through the hymnal, unless you want to. Service starts with Pastor Jim going over the announcements in the back of the pamphlet. It continues through the opening and first hymn. This is followed by the Church Chat and scripture readings. Don't worry we do not ask for volunteers that day. You are safe to just listen and enjoy. Pastor Jim then presents his sermon and we move on to the hymn of the day. This is followed by communion for which all baptized Christians are welcome to take part. After communion is the closing of service which ends with our third hymn.

Please Fill Out Our Plan A Visit Form